North Muskham social and affordable rented lettings

Wednesday, 27 November 2024


We kindly request some anonymous, summarised data for our report.
If your records group a number of parishes or villages together and you cannot separate the data, please provide the data for the group and please state the parishes or villages that make up the group.
Please provide the following data regarding social and affordable rented lettings for the parish (or group of parishes if applicable):
1A. How many applicants that are resident in the parish of North Muskham are on the council’s housing register? Please provide a summary of the priority band they are in, and the number of bedrooms required.
1B. How many households listed in the response to question B are on the register that have indicated a preference to be housed in the parish of North Muskham? Please provide a breakdown of priority and number of bedrooms required.
1C. How many households on the register have indicated a preference to be rehoused in the parish of North Muskham ?
1D. How many households are on the register and have a local connection to the parish of North Muskham in accordance with your allocation policy? Please provide a breakdown of priority and bedrooms required.
1E. How many households are on the register and have a local connection to the parish of North Muskham and have indicted a preference to be rehoused in North Muskham in accordance with your allocation policy? Please provide a breakdown of priority and bedrooms required.
1F. Does the council have a list of households that are seeking affordable home ownership? If so, please provide information of demand for the parish, preferably indicating the affordable tenure required? If you don’t have this data at parish level, please provide for the local authority area as a whole
1G. When was the housing register reviewed last, and when do you intend to review it again?

Further details, identity of applicants or any personal information is not requested just numbers please.

Additionally, we are requesting social and affordable rented lettings (supply) data for our report please.
If your records group a number of parishes or villages together and you cannot separate the data, please provide the data for the group and please state the parishes or villages that make up the group.
Please provide the following data regarding social and affordable rented lettings for the parish (or group of parishes if applicable):
2A. How many lettings occurred or were advertised for the parish over the last 12 months (or the latest 12 months you have data for)? Please exclude decants/temporary moves for repairs or improvements) Please state the period.
2B. Please provide a summary of the lettings at question ‘A’ in terms of number of bedrooms, and housing register priority band of the successful applicant and number of bids on the individual vacancies.
2C. Of the response to question ’A’, how many were new build first lettings?
2D. Of the response to question ‘A’, how many were let to residents of the parish and, if you have the information, non-residents with a local connection to the parish?


6 applicants registered
2 x band three, 4 x band four
2 applicants eligible for 1 bedroom general needs housing
1 applicant eligible for 2 bedroom general needs housing
1 applicant eligible for 3 bedroom general needs housing
2 applicants eligible for Supported housing (housing for people over 60 yrs or have a medical need) 1 or 2 bedroom
1 applicant has included North Muskham as a preferred location to be housed, eligible for Supported Housing.
We operate a choice based letting at NSDC and applicants can choose any location when considering placing a bid. The preferred location is only an indicator made at the point of registering their application
214 applicants have included North Muskham as a preferred location to be housed.
We operate a choice based letting at NSDC and applicants can choose any location when considering placing a bid. The preferred location is only an indicator made at the point of registering their application
We are unable to provide this breakdown as our Allocation Scheme local connection is to Newark and Sherwood District and not to an individual parish within the district.
We are unable to provide this breakdown as our Allocation Scheme local connection is to Newark and Sherwood District and not to an individual parish within the district.
We do not hold this information
The housing register was last reviewed in 2023 and is due to be reviewed again in 2025 alongside the implementation of a new Allocations Scheme
We have not let any properties in North Muskham over the last 12 months
We have not let any properties in North Muskham over the last 12 months
We have not let any properties in North Muskham over the last 12 months
We have not let any properties in North Muskham over the last 12 months