Dog and Cats

Friday, 27 December 2024


During the years:-
January 2020 - December 2020
January 2021 - December 2021
January 2022 - December 2022
January 2023 - December 2023
January 2024 - To Current Date

1. How many dogs/cats entered your local authority pounds (also known as kennels or animal shelters) in your area?

2. How many of these dogs/cats were euthanised?

3. For each dog/cat that was euthanised can you provide the breed, age, gender, microchip status and reason for euthanasia?

4. How many were reclaimed by their owners?

A) How many were passed to a welfare organisation.
B) What checks do you make on the welfare organisation prior to sending dogs to rescue?
C) What is the criteria for being an accepted as a local authority welfare organisation?

6. In relation to question 5 How many dogs and cats were subsequently rehomed and how many were euthanised at the rescue/rehoming/kennel facility?

7 What is the amount of money spent euthanising dogs during the dates stated above?

8 What is the amount of money spent on vets fees, not including euthanasia during the dates stated above?

9 Please supply figures for the number of dogs seized as a banned breed type under the Dangerous Dogs Act during the dates stated above. Please provide breed details, gender, age, microchip status and reason for euthanasia.

10 In relation to question 9 how many dogs were euthanised, how many were returned to their owners, new homes or rescue organisations/sanctuaries.

11 What is the amount of money spent on the boarding of banned breed dogs and associated veterinary costs including euthanasia?

12 Please provide full details of your contracts for the management of "stray" animals, including key performance indicators and the amounts paid under this contract. Please provide full disclosure of euthanasia records. This will include but not limited to:

Number of dogs/cats collected,
Number of dogs/cats reunited within 24 hours,
Number of dogs/cats reunited after 24 hours and before 7 clear days,
Number of dogs/cats re-homed,
Number of dogs/cats euthanised including:
Breed, Sex, Microchip Number, Age, Reason for Euthanasia, How body disposed.

13 Please include and specify full details of dogs surrendered, rehomed or euthanised via the RSPCA, vet practices and local police authorities.

14. In addition we request a breakdown on the disposal of animals euthanised during the above years into categories and descriptions including but not limited to:

Individual cremation
Communal cremation
Individual burial
Communal burial
Carcasses donated and to whom
Carcasses sold and to whom and payments made

Since 10 June 2024 it has been a legal requirement to microchip cats. We request the following information:

15. Do you provide cats with the same 7 day holding period as dogs to give time for owners to be located?

16. On completion of a 7 day holding period does the cat become the property of the local authority?

17. How do you proceed with rehoming?

If no holding period or facility is available please provide answers to the questions below:-

18. Why?
19. What happens to microchipped and non microchipped cats who are believed to be strays?
20. Do local vet practices contact you for stray facilities?

21. What is your policy relating to deceased cats? Please provide details of scanning microchips, logging information, reunification procedures and disposal methods.


1/ Please note, we provide a stray dog service but do not provide the same for cats.

Dogs sent to Rescue Kennels:

Period   01/01/2020 – 31/12/2020            01/01/2021 – 31/12/2021            01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022         01/01/2023 – 31/12/2023            01/01/2024 – 31/12/2024

TOTAL   37           35           49           57           128

2/ Dogs Euthanised:

Period                                                Dogs Euthanised

1st April 2019– 31st March 2020               1

1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021               3

1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022               6

1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023              5

1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024              2

3/ Information not available in a reportable format.

4/ This information is not available in a reportable format.

5a,b,c/ NSDC has a commissioned kennel service for stray dogs, and this is the only facility that it used to home stray dogs collected by this Authority.

6/ The adoption process is between the kennels and adopters therefore we do not hold records on animals adopted.

7/ Information not available in a reportable format.

8/ In a reportable format, we hold information for the following period:

- 01/04/2023 – 31/04/2024   £783.40

- 01/04/2024 – 31/12/2024   £1638.90

9/ The Local Authority does not seize banned breed dogs; seizure of banned breeds falls to the police.

10/ Not applicable

11/ Banned breed dogs are held in line with any other stray dog therefore specific costs are not available in a reportable format. Standard euthanasia vets’ cost is currently £140 per dog.

12/ A copy of NSDC Dog Control Policy is attached to this Request; this information is available on the Council’s website.

13/ The Local Authority does not hold information for external agencies, and you would need to contact each agency direct for the information they hold.

14/ We do not hold this information in a reportable format.

15, 16, 17, 18, 19/ The Local Authority does not have a duty to seize stray cats.

20/ We have not received requests from local vets for such facilities.

21/ A member of our cleansing team will collect the animal and bring it back to our depot where our officers will check for a microchip and contact the owner if the details are correct and up to date.

We’ll then give the owner the opportunity to collect the body. If we’re unable to trace or contact an owner, we’ll arrange for the body to be cremated.