Local Food Partnerships

Tuesday, 7 January 2025


I would like to request the following information on your local authority’s knowledge of and involvement with Local Food Partnerships:
A local food partnership (‘LFP’) is a cross-sector collaboration between local authorities, third sector organizations, businesses, and academics that works to transform local food systems by improving public health, fostering community connection, building diverse local food economies, and addressing sustainability issues. Examples of local food partnerships include ‘Bradford Sustainable Food Partnership’ and ‘Food4Fife’.
1. Does your local authority have any involvement with a local food partnership?
a. If yes, what is the name of the local food partnership?
b. If yes, what is the nature of the involvement? E.g. does your local authority facilitate meetings, donate money or provide staff time to work on the local food partnership
c. If no, are you looking to establish a local food partnership or cross-sector food strategy?
2. If your LA supports an LFP financially, what was the value of the financial support provided by the local authority in each of the last three financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
3. How many members of staff are working to support your local food partnership? Please provide:
a. The number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff working to support your local food partnership.
4. Do young people benefit from the activities of your local food partnership? For example, are they supported by projects run by the food partnership. ‘Young people’ is defined here as those under 25.
a. Yes/no
b. If yes, how many young people are involved?
c. What is the nature of their involvement?
5. Are young people involved in the strategic development of the food partnership, for example through consultation, co-development or engagement activities that focus on youth voices?
a. Yes/no
b. If yes, how many young people are involved?
c. What is the nature of their involvement?


1/ Yes

1a/ Feeding Newark and Sherwood.

1b/ We hold quarterly meetings for all members, we have made donations of supermarket vouchers to support our emergency food provision across the district and through our Employee volunteer scheme, colleagues have occasionally spent a day supporting the local food club. Members of the feeding network are supported where requested to submit funding bids when the opportunity arises and are able to apply to our community grants to fund extra events eg. A Christmas party for the local community or to deliver emergency food parcels.

1c/ Not applicable

2/ We don’t financially support the LFP it is merely officer time in co-ordinating and supporting the individual food partners on projects.

3a/ One

4a/ Yes

4b/ We run cookery sessions for teens and holiday sessions for families. In the last year we have worked with more than 100 families at these events.

4c/ They learn to cook from scratch, through our group activities

5a/ No

5b/ Not applicable

5c/ Not applicable