FOI and SAR stats for 2024 calendar year

Monday, 27 January 2025


1. The total number of FOI's received
2. The total number of FOI's responded to on time
3. The total number of FOI's responded to after the due date
4. The longest delay in responding to an FOI
5. The total number of FOI's overdue awaiting a response
6. The total number of internal reviews requested
7. How many officers you have dedicated to the FOI role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities
1. The total number of SAR's received
2. The total number of SAR's responded to on time
3. The total number of SAR's responded to after the due date
4. the total number of SAR's where the time limit was extended
5. The longest delay in responding to an SAR
6. The total number of SAR's overdue awaiting a response
7. The total number of internal reviews requested
8. How many officers you have dedicated to the SAR role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities


1. See published stats
2. See published stats
3. See published stats
4. 7 days (this only happened once)
5. No FOI requests received in 2024 are currently overdue.  See Q3
6. 5 internal reviews
7. No role just dedicated to FOI.  We have an Information Governance team that consists of 1 full time Information Governance Officer and 1 full time Senior Information Governance & Data Protection Officer. All access to information requests are the responsibility of the Information Governance team. 
1. 69
2. 59
3. 2 late, 2 extended, 6 closed without a response
4. 2
5. Both SARs extended had an extra 2 months extra time allocated. 1 was completed 5 days before 2 month deadline and 1 still ongoing
6. 1 SAR extended and none overdue - only some that are on hold while we wait for verification of ID
7. 3 internal reviews
8. See answer above to FOI question 7.
** Please note the answers provided do not account for requests that were paused whilst clarification or ID was sought.