1. Information no longer held
2. Information no longer held
3. In 2020/21 there was 17.2 FTE Planning Officers directly employed by NSDC. Development Management, Conservation and Enforcement Planners.
4. There are currently 15.1 FTE Planning Officers directly employed by NSDC. Development Management, Conservation and Enforcement Planners.
5. At present 85.26% of the Planning Department is currently fully staffed.
6. Currently, NSDC has 2 FTE vacancies for Planning Officers NSDC is currently carrying.
7. No – NSDC Planning Department does not operate as a shared service with another Council.
a. 2010/2011 - Information no longer held.
b. 2015/2016 - Information no longer held.
c. In 2023/2024 NSDC spent £1,517,401.37 total expenditure on Planning Services.
Please note - This excludes Land Charges, Street Naming and Numbering and the GIS Officer employed. Costs where applicable also include those associated with Trees and Landscape and BNG (only related to 2023/24) and also, a percentage of the cost of Technical Support is charged to other areas within the directorate.